We were honored to welcome Mayor of Bridgend County Borough, Cllr. Pam Davies, and the Mayor’s Consort, Tudor Davies, to BHR on Monday 12th February 2018.
After a quick tour of studios we were proud to be awarded the first Coat of Arms of Bridgend County Borough during Cllr. Pam Davies’ term as County Borough Mayor.
We were also presented with a card and a personal donation from Cllr. Pam Davies towards Bridgend’s Hospital Radio.
Bridgend’s Hospital Radio is the hospital radio station for The Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend. Our aim is the lessen the stresses of being in hospital, via the power of music. Cllr. Pam Davies donation will go towards the running of the station, so that we can continue to provide this service to the patients, staff and visitors of the hospital.
BHR Station Manager, Wayne Dunkley, said:
We would like to thank Mayor Cllr. Pam Davies for her generous donation to the station and for the Coat of Arms of Bridgend County Borough in recognition of all the hard work the volunteers put into the running of the station. It was a pleasant surprise and we will be sure to hang the Coat of Arms in our studios.
Approximately 20 volunteers are currently involved in the running of BHR, but we are always on the lookout for new volunteers to join the station. BHR’s next recruitment drive will begin in March 2018, and anyone who would like to come and join us is urged to e-mail volunteer@bhr.wales for more details.
The Trustees and Volunteers would once again like to thank Mayor Cllr. Pam Davies and Consort Tudor Davies for their donation and visit to the station. We would also like to thank Jackie Thomas from Sainsburys for arranging this presentation and for taking photographs of the occasion.